Sunday, November 14, 2010

blogger layout help - double posting

I thought the layout I had was making my posts show double..apparently now. How do I fix it guys? Help!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm not a xhtml guru, so I may be wrong, but I think this is your problem:

>div class='widget Blog' id='Blog2'<

I had to reverse the '<' things, or it wouldn't let me post the comment. You have another one of these at 'Blog1' which is your posts, and then I'm not sure how you ended up with a second one, but weird things happen on Blogger sometimes...

Be sure to backup your template first, then CTRL+F and put that text in, find that line in your template and remove it, save, and I think you will be all right :) If not you can reload your saved template.

Best of luck :)

Unknown said...

that worked! thanks so much! I could see in the design portion that I had to "Posts" widgets, or whatever, but I couldn't delete the second one there, I had to do it in the HTML like you said.
Thanks SO much!

Anonymous said...

Надо уметь часто повиноваться женщине чтобы иметь право иногда ею повелевать